About OpenData Device Templates

About OpenData Device Templates

Each device has a set of attributes that can be monitored. OpenData comes with templates for monitoring the attributes for many manufacturers’ devices. Templates are the easiest and fastest way to start monitoring your devices.

Modius templates generally do not have very many alarm threshold points configured. For multiple installations of the same device, import the Modius template for the first one, then configure the alarms, then export that template so it can be imported to other similar devices.

If no template exists for the device you wish to configure, you can configure a custom device template by following the steps in the article Modbus Template Configuration.

If you need help configuring a Modbus Template, please send an email to support@modius.com.



To import a template for your device, follow these steps:

  • On the Collector, click the Administration tab, then the Devices ta
  • Click add new device…
  • In the Device Info section, click import device settings.
  • Click Browse…
  • Select a .tpl file
  • Click Upload Device Template to save the template
  • Add or edit fields to customize your installation

Scroll to the bottom of the page and click save.

Click “Click here” to continue.

* Note: if you have a legacy Cyclades Device Gateway, you will see a red “Unsaved Changes” message at the top of the page, and need to save changes as described in the next set of steps.


Saving Unsaved Changes in Legacy Cyclades Device Gateways

To save unsaved changes, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Administration tab, then the Advanced tab.
  2. Click save config, and then click on Click here to continue.



When you have configured a device and want to use that same configuration for additional devices, you can export your configuration so that it can be imported later.

Note: Exported configurations can also be used to create an identical device to replace a device whose configuration becomes corrupt. However, to do a full backup of a Device Gateway, you must log on to the operating system and back up the /etc directory.


To export a template, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Administration tab, then the Devices ta
  2. Click edit for the device whose template you want to export.
  3. Click Export Device Setting
  4. Save the file to your local file system.
  5. Rename your device.tpl file to device.zip.

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